Brian Boothby's Tribute to Yeast Radio and Madge Weinstein

My name is Brian Boothby. I live in America. My best podcaster is Madge Weinstein of Yeast Radio. She is the bomb. She is smart and intelligent. She takes no gruff. She is mad at America. She has a podcast called Yeast Radio. She is a lesbian. I like Madge Weinstein. NOTE: THIS IS AN UNOFFICIAL FAN CLUB -- THESE ARE NOT SHOWNOTES OR VERY ACCURRATE TO ACTUAL SHOW. THESE ARE MY OPINIONS OF YEAST RADIO, (A GREAT PODCAST) NO ONE ELSES. SATIRE PEOPLE

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Yeast Radio #501 -- My thoughts

I am super embarrassed for the Madge Weinstein. She is walking around Berlin (the good Germany, not the evil Nazi Germany, or the dirty Red Germany ) with really ugly hair. Poor Madge.

Madge is on a staircase with 7.

It is too hot for the Madge.

I am very mad at the 7. He is going to buy a day pass for the subway. He tells Madge to buy one too. How rude. Why does the Madge Weinstein have to buy it? 7 should buy one for Madge. Madge is a lady. Ladies should not have to buy their own bus passes.

No dead air.

God, Madge is hungry.

7 smoked less and ate more. 7 brags about doing yoga everyday. Madge makes a funny yogurt joke.

7 brags about doing 100 sit-ups a day.

Madge wants turkey pizza.

No gay life in Milan. Small cities are not gay says Madge.

Kurds like juice. Madge forgets why.

Now I am super mad. Madge buys her own train ticket. 7 is rude. 5.80 in fake Non America money!

7 takes Madge's money to buy ticket!!!! Even asks for 80 fake Non-America cents!

Why is Madge taking the bus anyway? 7 should have rented a fancy Chevrolet car for someone like the Madge Weinstein.

Buses are for poor people. Madge is not poor.

Oh Madge, be careful with the bratwurst.

Why is Madge Weinstein running for the bus? I am very upset.

Why the f@ck would you pay 3,200 in fake money for HDTV?

Madge is going to Ebbets Field.

Elitist theater talk.

7 has been talking valium for 2 1/2 years. What a nervous Nelly.

Madge doesn't like cauliflower. And she has to talk about Yeast.

The bus is obnoxious.

Rush is for real.

I am very mad. Madge is on a loud bus talking about Yeast.

Madge thinks the German ghetto is nice.

7 thinks Madge looks better than Fredrick Douglas.

People are talking funny German talk in the background.

We don't talk about Hitler on this site.

Madge loves the Star Wars trilogies -- especially Yoda.

Madge is pregnant with Vice President of America's baby!

Then the Madge played telephone on her computer.

Auntie B sounds all sexy like, but not as sexy as the PizzaBabe.

I like PizzaBabe.

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