Brian Boothby's Tribute to Yeast Radio and Madge Weinstein

My name is Brian Boothby. I live in America. My best podcaster is Madge Weinstein of Yeast Radio. She is the bomb. She is smart and intelligent. She takes no gruff. She is mad at America. She has a podcast called Yeast Radio. She is a lesbian. I like Madge Weinstein. NOTE: THIS IS AN UNOFFICIAL FAN CLUB -- THESE ARE NOT SHOWNOTES OR VERY ACCURRATE TO ACTUAL SHOW. THESE ARE MY OPINIONS OF YEAST RADIO, (A GREAT PODCAST) NO ONE ELSES. SATIRE PEOPLE

Monday, December 04, 2006

I is back. I still love the Madge Weinstein

A lot of you have been all super worried about the Brian Boothby because I have not been writing to the Yeast Radio Fan Club Computer Site.

Don't worry. I am back.

When the Madge Weinstein told us all she was leaving America to go to Not America I freaked out at the Center I live and work at in America. I got all spastic like and hit my dorm mate Scott Bartlett by super accident.

But I was busted by the man.

The Center boss lady, Ms. Mary Pat Murphy, took away my computer lab time for like a month. It was awful.

I also had to spend 48 hours (the maximum the State allows) in the "quiet room" with only a mattress and paper and a black crayon.

I had to read about the anger managment.

And I am back on the "shock day" rotation. Shock day at the Center is super scary. The only good thing about it is that you get to drink as much orange juice as you want after.

I like super missed Madge Weinstein.

Here is what I know about the Yeast Radio (which is the best computer audio program you would ever want to know about. And I ain't whistling Dixie if you know what I am saying):

I am very upset. The airplane people would not take the Madge Weinstein to Not America right away and made her live with the Indians.

If you do not know, Indians are losers who drink too much and lost all their land because they drank too much firewater and bitch and moan about it. (That is what my Dad tells me anyway)

Madge doesn't have time for nonsense.

When she got to Not America Madge spent a super amount of time on the toilet. And she talked about poop a super lot.

The she went to fancy pants restaurants and talked to a bunch of people I do not know.

The Madge Weinstein also obsessed about Amanda Congdon.

I have to admit Amanda Congdon is a super pretty computer lady. Much prettier than the Madge Weinstein. But Madge is the lesbian grandmother I never ever had.

Madge spent a whole lot of time on the computer telephone.

The Madge Weinstein is super mad at the Adam Curry.

And I am very upset Madge did not drink the real coffee for fake Thanksgiving.

I will update more.

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At 12/07/2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

o git fukd


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