Brian Boothby's Tribute to Yeast Radio and Madge Weinstein

My name is Brian Boothby. I live in America. My best podcaster is Madge Weinstein of Yeast Radio. She is the bomb. She is smart and intelligent. She takes no gruff. She is mad at America. She has a podcast called Yeast Radio. She is a lesbian. I like Madge Weinstein. NOTE: THIS IS AN UNOFFICIAL FAN CLUB -- THESE ARE NOT SHOWNOTES OR VERY ACCURRATE TO ACTUAL SHOW. THESE ARE MY OPINIONS OF YEAST RADIO, (A GREAT PODCAST) NO ONE ELSES. SATIRE PEOPLE

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Yeast Radio #456 -- My thoughts

Oh boy! I got in trouble deep at the Center I live and work at. I got caught stealing the Reader's Digests from the common area. I couldn't help it. I just love the fancy articles.

Anyways, my computer and phone privleges were suspended for a three days. No Madge for me!

So I am sorry it took me so long to write about Madge Weinstein Yeast Radio #456

Madge says baby Jesus loves me and I should go fuck myself.

Stick it in your poe-poe.

No clips or any of that shit. Madger has been watching videos and making plans for the Home Depot.

(Listen to the Pizza Babe Podcast)

Oh. Madge! She has a headache. Madge knows stress.

Madge is going to the Italy that is not in America.

Madge's mom is listening!

No bad words today.

Madge saw Amy Goodman and her brother. Madge wants us to read their book Static. Madge's bra is giving her problems.

I do not wear a bra because I am a boy.

Static is #18 in fancy-pants newspaper list. Amy want to be on fancy-pants newspaper list. Madge wants to help.

Madge is so desperate to help so will buy you this book (but only maybe, make it easy for Madge, Madge is not going to type shit in for you lazy ass).

Madge really really wants Amy Goodman to like Madge.

Madge says Little People can change the earth! I like the show "Little People Big World" on the TLC.

I am terrified. Madge's audio program goes silent for a very long time. Madge blames ITUNES, but I am listening to this directly from her website. So why is that the Apple people's fault?

Madge is really mad at America. She says America is terrifying.

Made has been talking on the computer since 1996. That's retro.

Someone stole Madge's DAT machine. So we can't hear the old skool Madge.

Ugh. . . Madge plugs Meet the Press. That's disapointing. N-B-C- . . .

Madge is happy that Meet the Press is #1 podcast. I am relieved. I could not live with myself if NBC News podcasts failed.

Speaking of struggling corporate news organizations. . . (they need our help everybody!) I love that Tucker on the CNN! He is on my favorite Dance program! Dancing With the Stars! He is the best and he wears funny looking ties. That means he is very smart.

Berlin water is the best water.

Madge says cunt -- embarrassing because Madge's mom is listening.

Madge gives Yeast Radio scoop on Mexican elections. She can't tell us so good because she is not reading her notes.

I will let Madge (who is smarter than me) tell you about this. Listen to Yeast Radio #456

Madge's mom hates it when Madge talks about her poe-poe.

Madge has a-lot stomach gas from her coffee. Oh Madge! This is not a way to live!

Madge no hablo Espanol -- only habla the English.

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