Brian Boothby's Tribute to Yeast Radio and Madge Weinstein

My name is Brian Boothby. I live in America. My best podcaster is Madge Weinstein of Yeast Radio. She is the bomb. She is smart and intelligent. She takes no gruff. She is mad at America. She has a podcast called Yeast Radio. She is a lesbian. I like Madge Weinstein. NOTE: THIS IS AN UNOFFICIAL FAN CLUB -- THESE ARE NOT SHOWNOTES OR VERY ACCURRATE TO ACTUAL SHOW. THESE ARE MY OPINIONS OF YEAST RADIO, (A GREAT PODCAST) NO ONE ELSES. SATIRE PEOPLE

Monday, September 18, 2006

Yeast Radio #453 -- My thoughts.

I know that if Madge Weinstein lived in my town, she would have the best house in the town.

Madge admits she is a freak. Oh Madge.

Madge had to grow up without a pee-pee. She is sad about it.

Madge says men don't count no more.

The personal computer was very mean to Madge today. All that jazz.

Ebony sends in a very nice song, but she blows it -- sound quality was too low. You should know better than to send in a song to Madge Weinstein with bad audio levels,

Zilla Fage talks on the personal computer to Madge about iTUnes. Scares me about talk concerning websites that died.

Nothing is working today for Madge. I am scared because Madge knows the personal computer really super good. If she has trouble, that means I could have trouble.

Just for today not so gentile, audience.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TROTSKY! Macoroni and Cheese for Trotski.

Madge blows off the pope.

Dave Culderbank makes fun of Madge by playing Howard Stern intro.

French talk song.

Madge needs the pepto. Goes to Weight Watchesr. Too bitchy to put on wireless.

Madge questions what is wrong with her. She is fat.

Madge's sister is a profressional orchestra.

Madge wants to play plarifab.

Madge is confused about when she is on rich people radio. Just for today, confused.

Computer is not working. I am very upset for Madge. She deserves high quality computer.

Placifarb is not playing! Everything is fucked up today.

Fancy pants music plays. . .

Madge eats delicious deserts with her fingers -- they are called Baby Bostons

Boats in the Navy. Madge thinks people in the Navy are tacky and get eaten by bugs for dinner.

Madge needs to clean her clothes with water -- she just remembers.

Deal with it. Google is good.

Posse's make the world suck even more.

Madge reads to us. If you don't like it, too bad so sad.

Madge admits she has not taken a bath in six months.

Madge pines of John Waters films.

14,000 people are kidnapped in prison.

Madge likes Veronica Mars! So do I! I can't wait for the next season to start!

Madge doesn't want to talk forever.

Madge reads a story about ALPO and copy rights. ALPO is acting under the radar and impossible for people to go to meetings.

Why are we protecting Fox News? Podcasters should be protected.

Madge tells us Honesty is the Beast Policy.

Secret super-spy messages from Plato.

Goodbye to rich radio listeners.

Poshow people don't talk to each other.

Paul Wolf-o-witz sucks.

so-so sissy.

Dot Mac is expired. Madge is getting rid of her personal computers.

Apple whores and not putting Madge on their website.

Web 2.0 speak. Madge fucking hates it.

Madge wants to leave America.



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