Brian Boothby's Tribute to Yeast Radio and Madge Weinstein

My name is Brian Boothby. I live in America. My best podcaster is Madge Weinstein of Yeast Radio. She is the bomb. She is smart and intelligent. She takes no gruff. She is mad at America. She has a podcast called Yeast Radio. She is a lesbian. I like Madge Weinstein. NOTE: THIS IS AN UNOFFICIAL FAN CLUB -- THESE ARE NOT SHOWNOTES OR VERY ACCURRATE TO ACTUAL SHOW. THESE ARE MY OPINIONS OF YEAST RADIO, (A GREAT PODCAST) NO ONE ELSES. SATIRE PEOPLE

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Yeast Radio #446 -- My Thoughts

Madge Weinstein is one fancy lady. She really knows the what-fors of a computer audio program.

I heard Yeast Radio #446 right here.

Made welcomed us to the show with the wrong microphone. I felt bad for Madge. She could have edited that out but she didn't. Everyone makes mistakes.

She played a fancy song with the "f" word.

She played a nice introduction that disclosed the show is not on the radio, but rather the computer.

Madge is doing her show at 2:00am. Oh boy Madge! That isn't a way to live. You need to sleep. Where I live, at the center curfew is at 11:00pm. I wake up at 6:15 every morning to make the eggs.

Mr. Zeeche is sad. Madge feels bad about it. Madge cares.

Madge call me retarded. My mom says I am not retarded, but rather the Baby Jesus's special assistant to America. Everyone else calls me retarded though.

Madge was not being mean, she was being honest.

Data is data. Rules is rules.

Tranny Wreck Rebecca! Rebecca uses salty words. Much penis talk. He, she, her, him. Rules is rules. Person identifies as a male he is a he. Looks like a lady, she. Brain gender, not boxes.

Rebecca says all of us solicit sex for money -- how rude!

Madge calls her cunt. A cunt is a derogatory and degrading word for pussy snatch.

Rebecca is going to Asia to make her brain match her pee-pee box. Good luck Rebecca.

Madge plays her special day show song.

Madge talks about sad Mr. Zeeche. Invites Mr. Zeeche to her home to be a lesbian, or a turd.

Madge talks about Pizza for babies! I like pizza but babies do not eat pizza. Silly Madge! She is one funny lady!

Madge knows all about the personal computer but sometimes it is hard to get it all straight. That is what my social worker tells me when I am frustrated.

Work the thing.

Another retard reference.

Madge is so smart she is meeting a publicist. That is important.

president of America.

Madge is really mad at the American president.

President talks on the personal computer, like Madge!

Madge calls on people in Army to quit. My dad says "quiters never win and winners never quit!" But Madge is calling people in the Army losers unless they quit. Madge sure is smart.

Madge thinks President talks too much about September 11.

Madge is really mad at voters who voted for Bush. Madge isn't mad at me.

I am not allowed to vote.

Madge calls Karl Rove a liar. Calls the audience on their shit.

Santorium. Madge talks about fecal matter and exaculate.

Madge has no patience for tom-foolery. Calls Democrats just as bad on Republicans.

Madge does not like American cheese.

Madge tells President he is no good.

Calls President a retard and simulates an AA meeting. AA is where you go to not drink so much. They call the Baby Jesus the "higher power" there. I like it there. You pay one dollar and you can drink as much coffee as you want to. The nice man there told me I could drink the coffee but to "use, not abuse" the coffee privlege.

Madge is going to leave America, blames Americans.

I feel so bad I ask my friend Charles who works at the center to buy me a Whopper with Cheese. I remember Madge does not like American cheese and I start to cry because I am so ashamed.

Tom Cruise, Katie Couric. Tom Crusie married Dawson Creek lady. Madge does not think that is news. Madge is mad. She knows a thing or two about news.

I think Katie Couric made an ill fashion choice for her first day on the old people news. I hate to not agree with Madge, but it was in the newspaper, so it must be news.

Madge fails to point out that Congress never declared War. Which they are supposed to do. Why doesn't anyone ask why the president and the public keeps saying "war" when America has not declared war.

Madge gets so mad she stops the president talking on the computer.

Says goodbye to rich radio listeners.

Poor Madge is so tired that she ends the show after her contractual obligation to Sirius radio and Adam Curry ends after 24 minutes.

Madge asks me to join a choir. I am going to join tomorrow. I can't sing so good, but Madge knows what is good for me. First Methodist Church of the Baby Jesus Choir, here comes me!


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