Brian Boothby's Tribute to Yeast Radio and Madge Weinstein

My name is Brian Boothby. I live in America. My best podcaster is Madge Weinstein of Yeast Radio. She is the bomb. She is smart and intelligent. She takes no gruff. She is mad at America. She has a podcast called Yeast Radio. She is a lesbian. I like Madge Weinstein. NOTE: THIS IS AN UNOFFICIAL FAN CLUB -- THESE ARE NOT SHOWNOTES OR VERY ACCURRATE TO ACTUAL SHOW. THESE ARE MY OPINIONS OF YEAST RADIO, (A GREAT PODCAST) NO ONE ELSES. SATIRE PEOPLE

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Yeast Radio #445 -- My thoughts

Today Madge did a very good audio program.

Madge played a song that scared me very much about a bird who could talk to children. I was terrified.

She talks about yeast, beans and chips.

She worries about shitting herself. Oh Madge, that is not a way to live!

She goes to a very nice Labor Day Party with a playwright who lives in prison. Prison is a place you go when you make the MAN mad.

She tries to see a motion picture at the theatre at 10:10 in the morning. Madge is the only person I know who sees movies at the show at 10 in the morning.

Madge has a failure to communicate with her friend Matt and does not see the movie. Madge is confused and asks for advice.

Madge has enough self-confidence to ask for advice when she needs it.

I don't think a cooking show on the computer is a viable idea.

I called her and she told me I was psyhcotic. I thought that was rude. My doctor told me I would be all better with the medicine she gave me.

I am not mad at Madge Weinstein. She is very smart and knows a lot of things about a lot of people.

She has a new piano on her computer that she doesn't thinks sounds so good. Madge likes high quality. BUt she thinks it will sound good when she mixes it with music.

Madge allowed David Culderbank to be back on her computer audio show, Yeast Radio. I was all worried that Madge would always be mad at David Culderbank.

I do not like when Madge is mad at people.

Madge is very mad at America. She lives in America but does not want to live in America.

Madge thinks the cheese in America tastes funny. She likes the cheese in France. France is a country, but not in America.

Madge talks about fat, gay people who like Bears. Gay people who like bears are now going on the water in boats to cruise around with other gay people who like bears.

Gay means you are homosexual.

Madge says gay people are skinny and physically fit. But gay people who are bears are usually fat and unfit. Madge thinks most people in America are fat.

Fat means you have money to be greedy and eat food all day (not good stuff like apples) and you grow blubber.

Madge talks to people on the computer from England. Some people who live in America want to live in foreign lands. They don't like to live in America.

The people in England say that people want "political asylum" from America because George Bush, the President of the United States of America, discriminates against the gay people.

Discrimination is bad. Dicrimination means you are a bigot and hate people for no good reason. Sometimes you make them sit in the back of the bus.

I was told America was not like that in school, but Madge tells me I was taught all wrong.

Madge is smart. You better listen to Madge Weinstein.

You may not like her tone, but she gives you vocal medicine for your head. Just because medicine tastes bad doesn't mean it isn't good for you.

Madge then plays a very long song I didn't like so much. But what are you going to do?

I can't wait for Madge Weinstein's Yeast Radio #446


At 9/06/2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Brian,

This is Mark from Finland (really from Massachusetts but that's too hard to spell). I have known Madge since her days before Sirius, before becoming a podcasting icon and before her yeast became the bane of all Republicans everywhere.

As soon as I heard your intro on YR445 You Come Live With Me and Be a Lesbian, "Hello this is Brian calling from America," I knew we had a winner.

I hope your fansite continues, it is a worth cause. I hope you're fat.

At 9/06/2006 , Blogger BrianBoothby said...

Oh boy. You are like my first comment. That is like all historical and stuff.

Very Neil Armstrong of you.

Finland terrifies me.


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